Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The Mongols have numerous stories and tunes about stallions. Fabulous stallions incorporate mystical flying steeds, adored steeds that visit in dreams, and a rich assortment of legends about equine heroes. The stallion has since quite a while ago assumed a part as a consecrated creature, and Mongols have an assortment of profound convictions in regards to them. The mane is accepted to contain a horse's soul and quality; therefore, the mane of stallions is constantly left uncut. Horse's milk

has been utilized as a part of functions of filtration, petition to God, and gift since artifact. In cutting edge times, it keeps on being utilized as a part of a mixed bag of functions connected with hustling. Truly, steeds were relinquished on unique events; it is recorded that 40 stallions were yielded at the burial service of Genghis Khan. At the point when a steed is executed, a mixed bag of ceremonies may be taken after to respect the remaining parts. Steeds are accepted to have spirits that can help or damage their manager after death. At the point when an expired horse's soul is substance, the manager's group will prosper; if not, then the crowd will fizzle.

Of the five sorts of group creatures regularly perceived in Mongolia (stallions, camels, bulls/yaks, sheep and goats), steeds are seen to have the most astounding notoriety A migrant with numerous stallions is viewed as affluent. Mongolians don't give their steeds names; rather, they distinguish them by their shade, markings, scars, and brands. There are in excess of 500 words in the Mongolian dialect depicting the characteristics of steeds.

A female horse being drained in Suusamyr, Kyrgyzstan

Mongolian steeds are esteemed for their milk, meat and the mid year, horses are drained six times each day, once at regular intervals. A female horse delivers a normal of 0.11 lbs of milk each one time, with a yearly creation of 662 lbs total.the milk is utilized to make the universal matured beverages of Mongolia, airag and kumis. Horse meat is viewed as the healthiest, most delectable sort of meat. Every 600 lb. Mongol stallion yields around 240 lbs. of meat.the horse's hair can be utilized for various items, including rope, fiddle strings, and a mixed bag of decorations. Steed fertilizer is utilized for flame fuel.


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