Wednesday, November 5, 2014


White history month:

Nature common Following the characteristic tone of the Earth since aged times has occasional foods grown from the ground essentially by animals and domesticated animals alive. "Tsagaan sar" commends richness and shade as a positive decent end to all things awful bilegsheen abstained from amid the fall plenitude of creature fat "Dairy Day" was praised in 1206, Genghis Khan's Mongolian construct and white moon unaffected creatures in the early spring, grass twists, ought to be noted that amid the time of such items that charged. From that point hours ayasyg Mongolian stroke color of the year after the area of stars, planets and the moon at whatever point the current retribution of our current toolloloor generally been praised from the first lunar month, the first month of spring. Mongols holy formal bilegsheen sky frustrated natural force mother milk from dairy tsatslaa wide. Drain due time khelegdegees as white as milk holy life bilegsheen "Tsagaan sar" named. Paradise of the aged characteristic shade and tone of the wind, and a surveying spot, and the sun, moon, stars, planets, time and course from s live set.

Mongolians for Animals in the time of year, keep clear shade day timetable month ajee.enekhüü occasion importance siblings and relatives medeltsekh, is to admiration one another's conduct in light of the fact that compulsory zochilon zolgodog foundations. Eve night, most melodies played nastnydaa by and large bütüürdeg. Favored to be in this day one year from now, a lot of families filled khonodogüi outside of a lunar month, a large portion of a day program for the day is not going far. Seollal, outrage, eagerness and obliviousness that persevered through three wrongdoings and deeds of the most imperative custom act. READMORE

Tsagaan sar chronicled sources,

The recent plunged erkhemdee eremshin mishap tsalgaa will go, so modest yourselves, "said record. XIII before paradise love, shamanism was tsagaalj. Marco Polo, as he is on writing. All month to month ride a white steed, whose rider is white and white bösöör lift one another wearing a white dress with Mrs. Greens dairy commonly khirgüi white heart we should go be an image of amicability. Alga I lost my arms spread otherworldly estimation of this color.

XIII century and is close to the white moon spring. V.injinaashiin "Blue scripture" toward the start of part 39 of the novel "IV jarny first year and at red rabbit or Genghis Khan in 1207, the mouse up and sanitize themselves and wore formal garments and worshiped her Oulen ordnoosoo nine types of profound fine music to leave the seat, brilliant khasyn duursgaj Jong timbrel sound welcomed him. Genghis Khan, an indication of the child of Heaven to my subject, and music is seltes bit South Central enactment. I possess cowhide layers, Mongolian individuals. Introduced base you declared lord. Today's service will bother the risk match on account of the condition of Ar "is a decent discourse.

Get ready in white

Arrangement of the Mongols in a white fence and cleaned a couple of months back, wall repair and restore creatures. Welcome spring into creature grouping unaffected amid all celebrate. Dotorgüi soil outside the home gövj and rottenness washed clean white month, what with how disintegration burtaggüi revile terrible words out of my mouth and sew new garments, new year, blessed goodness clear bilegsheen zolgon welcome. Obligation shirgüi decontaminated soul, and overlook the great as the end just for everything awful previously, tomorrow another day, new life, good faith kicking. Mongols to help deal with one another, given that An amazingly imparted living history. One another to clean notwithstanding settle wall, animals brushing answer khamjiltsaad posterity will. Dumplings chimkheltsen, backside meat bubbled, seared baked good box, and dairy items gives a bazaltsaad productive feeling uncovered. Seollal, kids, siblings, relatives from all sides of the organization gives great energetic conventions.

Staying devilish

Top the night shut oblivious on the grounds that there are not the most youthful, "Eve" is renamed. El everything throughout the day, and must be shut. It was brimming with other value and away one year from now, however may be a plenitude Regardless image. the previous winter months before the date of the most recent day or Eve conceal old Mongolian obligation, receivables, payables, finishing, and under what customarily met. Accordingly fortune lundaa is seen as a revitalized ..

Starts after the function to close the included. Cooked white rice on the entryway right entryway repairs stone, clear ice and snow to southern managers mascot sticker on the entryway by opening the route to enter the eastern weeds and sedges ought to turn to awful bearings villains malicious. Eve night, wearing clean, ötgös buuraldaa shaded pad achievement  devsen and repair everything on a puzzling set, dairy refreshment specimens masterminded from left to right and lift the blaze god after deejilsnii ezeggei home made ​​tea and offered examples home to begin his expert sign. Three Maral occulted researches the puzzling offer such items. White accept exceptional khündetgelteid discharge. Eve supper a sheep encased head is not button and bosom. Sheep of the house loaded with meat initial nine free (heads, standards, and twofold jaw, ears and flanks both sides) touch the flame began, and afterward dispersed to the individuals who are lifted up to God's home. More than fifty-years of age ought to give liquor.

Obscure cooked rice to consume, and after the service illustration, lower leg Alag stomach began talking lyrics, steed and camel dashing, and four drops deer shroud khorol hard play through zendmen pieces. Today evening time hid meadow animals and things house overnight way. Hot and stay divided from their families, and stun, torment, discourse, opposite, garments, outside overnight and keep a vacant tank, to zelmen quick way. Full Eve self control and conduct ought to be.

White meat

Mongolia in white, tan and white two sorts of sustenance in planning. Tan ideend: entire meat, shut dumplings and liquor benefit. White ideend: numerous sorts of dairy items, non-cake, broiled and brewskie are incorporated. Sole nearby particular ordinary cakes or baked goods, changing some khavsai plate adjusting three or more cakes on a plate stacked regarded senior citizens, and center of the fricasseed baked goods loaded with gas to a most extreme of 81 pieces sole altering. The dish baked good three mobile sort to the triple primary concern of affliction and satisfaction, versatile sort to five physical davkharladag amid the time of getting the family home a few zolgosny sign or image of the period. Of the head of family, number of years for supper and a few grandchildren and a few incredible grandchildren, and a few extraordinary grandchildren and forty have such works on, contingent upon the "Them floors eleejee" deferential eyes again detached sole witness is completely settle ul boovooroo including age as a kind of dish . Advanced "socks kites," said. Ahead of schedule for "Vulture," be said. Why for "pastry shop" called? Two toes associated world ulaar drag energy, and to trade data and convey the vitality of the force. Who won the foot space of any of the unlawful acts or any space and who move to an alternate space. Along these lines, "to go" operation or

The bring down six ribs and posterior are proceeding with the last piece of uutsan approach the spine, or neck, palm, four high, ribs, hips, performed concurring shagait marrow. Posturing before Giichnii rear end right in the hands of four ribs and spine over high exactness indicating and littler cannon Borwina, scapula meat, rib buraa side should be confronting up to the flanks, and falcons. On the off chance that the spine neck in oral neck falcons to assume control, confronting towards the birds of prey living furniture. Loins cut in the right hand holding the left hand gripping the lumbar evacuate the back end and tail amidst the intersection between the earth and afterward to the gathering beginning from your bones, lumbar zuraa three esgene three arrangement. His tail bögtrög tolionoos roundabout shape around the two fat will khalimlaj soil. When a peddle, the edges around the meat greasy merger consolidate the two whale-header tests from the tail piece of extraordinary treasure furniture. So develop then raise the frustrate parts tallana. Divided partitioned into three one taking blaze from both sides include. Yet three of the specimens are put into unique. Leave the staying two for every penny as a taste. Both sides then uutsnykhaa a few middle ought to be flowed as an enrichment. 

Shinelekh mischievous 

Commend one of the first Lunar New Year spring white stately nourishment and drink readiness and shineldeg entering. Complex Lunar New Year's Eve, the Lunar yosoldog tsagaalgyn service held from rabbit climbing sun in the morning hours. Lunar New Year's base comprises of a layer of cheddar, dairy, cakes or khavsai ul. Our most fundamental plates in dairy cheddar or cake layers khavsaig odd number of mobile sort. Father and siblings in a family saucers items can be three or five. Father of seven twofold sustenance blogging. State gets discharge legitimate formal plates commonly nine twofold convention. Tray, cream, curd, yellow, white, cream, for example, dairy items, are getting to be. Amicability amid Tsagaalakh broken howls as an image of going tamkhilakh can press, yet with the roars to maintain a strategic distance from trade kharshuulj head. Pumped state takes her three-finger or the thumb, file and center fingers tamkhildag inclining. This state is an indication of appreciation for the individual. 

The edge of the insidious 

Rivaled one busbar first light got up, put on new garments, nature, chanan espresso, tea oat test width, and relatives will see first the leader of the family unit. Building confronting the appearance of predominantly elderly individuals Khadags mouths will see. Commander zolgokhdoo man gripping both hands to the elbows, "Are you safe?" Cheek ünsüülne entering. Entering the old man answered, "safe". Visitors sit at the table area, inviting close feeling "Glad Lunar shinelj you?" Eldest khöörögnii howls will be discharged from the cover. Because of the "decent". Howls finding one another making a solid connection between the Mongols constructed a nearby association with siblings and companions. Two individuals of the same age hands and wrists will see the distinction. Property holder zolgodoggüi his wife, on the grounds that the wife of a spouse a world with one another. Between two body twofold was pregnant zolgodogüi maintain a strategic distance from the seed is going to change sex. 

Greens first dairy in one lunar month, the hallowed precious stone fortune, and to begin another profession thought to educate belegsheedeg. White handcrafted blessing or cordiality manual sustenance and plentiful profits that went zolgon Lunar typical white discharge spills out with everybody Digest non dairy refreshment and dairy items. Never castigate a Mongolian man riding old garments and toss, and deny wrong to knock ashdyn blessing accompanies a scoop of the soul. Mongolian oral writing notwithstanding Mongolian society legend precept of the expressions of the adage, and the favors of commendation, a scourge, and customs for eras to come ileekh kharagddag.övög tip top praise the legacy of this Great, Genghis Khan has formally all inclusive festival of statehood in 1206. Since the seventeenth century Zanabazar by the first Bogd succeed has been recorded in this rich festival of the Bud


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